Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is general fitness. The workouts involve functional movements. You don’t step on a box for an hour.  Everything is simulating functional everyday movements like putting something heavy on a high shelf, safely.

More than anything, CrossFit is performance-based fitness. We care more about what we can do (How fast can you run a mile? How many pull-ups can you do? How much weight can you pick up off the ground?) than the numbers on the scale, or some BMI chart. This same approach applies to the nutrition side of things.

Donni mastering a strict pull up!

Practicing CrossFit gives us a chance to run, jump, push, & pull with our bodies in a way that is physiologically sound and the most beneficial in the least amount of time.

Debbie rocking the box jumps!

CrossFit actually encourages you to eat better. When you know you’re going to be working out, eating an ice cream or drinking a coke does not sound appealing! Eating the healthy food, that is packed with goodness will carry you through any workout. You will quickly find the days you do not stick to Paleo are the hardest to get through!

Whether you are doing CrossFit or any other type of physical exercise, just remember what you put into your body will  help your performance.  Having a six pack of beer and doughnuts the night before a workout will not help your performance at all, it will hinder you.  Eating a Paleo diet will give you energy to give CrossFit a try!